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Inner Child Healing



A phrase a smart lady told me, that I will never forget…

She said to me a few years ago: “You can open the doors of your house to many children, but you keep your inner child closed alone in the dark”.

Some people, the less “spiritual” or maybe more “logical”, may not get or want to talk about the “inner child”.

It took me few years myself to become more open to this topic.

I see today inner child as synonym of “soul” or “the original child you were before life made you tougher”. I believe children are more pure, close to themselves, honest, real. This is probably the reason I love being with children and play with children. I have even been dealing with products (safety, toys, gifts) for children my whole life.

I believe life (and it does not have to be a war) adds layers of protection on that “inner child” and as an adult, he walks around with lots of layers, layers that protected him and helped me become who he is today. Some would call them “layers of protection”. Others will call them “canoe” but those are skills, habits, way of thinking we “took” with us during our path because we learned that they help us. Examples can be “I need people”, “I can do it all myself”, “I am not capable”, “I need to be perfect in…”, “in order to be loved, I need to be…”

Our “inner child”, the child we were many years ago, had one or few passion, dreams, wishes, a certain truth, her own truth.

When we feel we are “lost” either after a crisis, or at a certain age, or in between jobs, or even during a worldwide epidemic that demands changes, or when we get the time to think, evaluate and ask the tougher questions, we need to connect again with our inner child and get connected to ourselves again, to see through, to better understand what to let go, what makes us alive, what makes us happy, what we dream about. Once we connect better to ourselves, we are more in line with our true-self and can define better who we are, what we love and what should we do or change to get closer to ourselves.

When I first learned about that inner child, I had to do a strange and foreign exercise. I had to use Guided Imagery and imagine myself at 6-8 years old, see myself back then. Then I had to draw what I saw with my weaker hand (my left hand, on which I even wrote a post by the way for left-handed kids). I felt very strange back then but then I learned there are many exercises how to re-connect.

I am still in my path to re-connect. It is pretty clear the Covid-19 forced lots of people to re-connect. You can see so many people who changed career very fast and do much better…they re-connected…

So in case you feel “lost”, find a way to re-connect to that inner child.

She is there, always, waiting for you to hug and talk to, and that child knows exactly what she dreams of, what she likes, what makes her happy…

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Yuliia Zhukovska

    You are right, we are growing up and in the hectic days we forget about our inner child! Thank you for reminding me again how important it is to keep in touch with him! I will work on it! Thank you very much!

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