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Birthday Gifts for a 4 years old

Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.

Albert Einstein

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Birthday Gifts For a 4-Year-Old That Will Light Up Their Imagination

As a child takes the leap from 3 to 4, they begin to get enthusiastic about storytelling, pretend play, and the act of discovering everything new. Age 4 is a year where a child reaches immense milestones and starts to have a larger understanding of the world around them. Children at this age are experimenting and discovering how to communicate their thoughts. They are beginning to develop confidence, self-control, and imagination.   

Children leaving the toddler years and entering the preschool stage are often thrilled to play for longer periods of time with their toys, and are keen to try new things. A child is best able to communicate his or her feelings at this age when they are upset. Your child is anticipated to achieve most of the following developmental milestones before he or she reaches age of 6.

Developmental milestones often seen at age 4:

  1. Physical Development:

Children develop quite a bit physically at the age of 4. Your child will grow taller, and start to get a good grasp on their their gross and fine motor abilities. They will want to learn how to manage their body and become more likely to try new things as they progress.

  • Gross motor skills – At age 4, your child will become conscious of their position in space and will have a lower risk of bumping into others when moving. Their running skills will significantly develop and they can likely even trickle a soccer ball.
  • Fine motor skills: Your child will develop hand-eye coordination at age 4, contributing to the ability to complete puzzles and color within the lines.
  • Major highlights: most children will be able to dress themselves by this age, brush their teeth with guidance, and typically master potty training.

Toys play a significant role in improving these skills. Children use their sensory-motor abilities, while they play with a toy and investigate its properties or perform “experiments” as a small scientist would do.


  1. Emotional Development

When children hit 4, they want freedom, and they want to do things by themselves as much as possible. Generally, children begin to gain greater control of their emotions as they enter their 4th year.

Important Milestones

  • Becoming more conscious of the feelings of others. (empathy)
  • Experiencing a large array of emotions, including envy, anticipation, rage, and fear.
  • When playing games, children will become more concentrated on winning.


  1. Social Development

Usually at this age children have reliable adults such as their parents and grandparents as a primary source of communication, and the thoughts of friends and peers are becoming more important.

Important Milestones

  • Building true friendships, and maybe even having a “closest friend.”
  • Talking more freely and spending hours with peers.
  • Asking for support from a trusted adult when needed.


4.Cognitive Development

Four-year-old kids will start reading the alphabet, memorizing shapes and colors, and developing a more solid problem-solving approach.


  1. Speech & Language

Skills in language grow at an unprecedented pace in this age group. At age 4, children can understand about 2000- 3000 words.

Important Milestones

  • Children begin setting goals for themselves, such as: learning how to ride a two wheeler, or learning how to pump a swing.
  • Choosing to make their own choices, such as the selection of their wardrobe or having a snack they like.
  • They get perceptions of numbers such as that the number 3 epitomizes 3 books or three balls.


  1. Play

The majority of 4-year-olds use their imaginations wildly, having imaginary friends or playing dress up and pretend (fairy door). They enjoy playing house, and involving their friends in the fun as well.

 Toys are beneficial for your cutie to improve their cognitive skills. Some of the best gifts for the intellectual development of 4-year-olds include puzzles, blocks, balls, and matching games.


Did you know?

  • By the time children hit the age of 4, their brains have developed 1000 trillion connections between neurons.
  • The brain of your child develops more and faster in the first 5 years of his life than at any other point of their
  • Children don’t remember things well before the age of 3 because of what psychologists call “infantile amnesia”.


Best Gifts for 4 years old children encourage them to develop their social interactions, educational skills and to simultaneously discover their interests.

Here is my selection of 10 of the best gifts for 4 years old, to help them improve in all of those skills discussed above:

(stimulate their imagination, Open-ended toys to play in unlimited ways, blocks in all shapes and sizes, improve social, emotional, cognitive, and fine motor skills)

I hope you found this article interesting, not too specific but not too vague. I hope it helps you for your next gift for a 4 years old!
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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Ellie

    Amazing ideas! Could you do one for 8 year old girls too?

    1. karenklein

      will do for sure!

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