“Creativity is contagious. Pass it on.” Albert Einstein
I wish this time to share with you a company and a whole concept that is super fun and very practical!!
You pick the product you anyway need for your child from the back to school essentials like backpack, pencil case, diary, pouch, whatever is needed for the coming back to school season 2020!
You can pick the design and color as the collection is very large. The product comes with colorful little pixels children place and can decorate however they wish. The pixels can be removed anytime and reused so it is an activity that is ongoing and can be replayed. To place the pixels, children practice fine motor skills.
We use fine motor skills to make small movements. These movements come so naturally to most people that we usually don’t think about them. Fine motor skills are complex, however. They involve the coordinated efforts of the brain and muscles, and they’re built on the gross motor skills that allow us to make bigger movements.
Fine motor skills aren’t specific learning skills like reading or math are. But they directly impact how well kids are able to learn and show what they know. For instance, kids need fine motor skills to circle an answer on a test or write an essay.
Kids also need fine motor skills to do daily tasks like getting dressed and brushing their teeth. (Info taken from https://www.understood.org/)
And therefore it is important to practice fine motor skills at home from early age, together with enhancing creativity …
The benefits I found in the PIXIE CREW back to school essentials are:
- Enhances Creativity: each kid makes it the way she likes
- Practical back to school essentials: anyway you need a backpack or a pencil case so instead of buying a regular one or one with a license, why not pick one that your child can express herself!?
- Practices Fine motor skill: to place the pixels you need to move the 2 fingers you use for writing, using scissor… so the exercise helps practicing those fingers better, with more accuracy.
- Express your feelings: the pixels do not fall by themselves but can be changed anytime, any day according to your child mood and feel!
There is an online gallery where children all around the world upload their creations and share them so a great deal of creativity online is seen and shared.
A personal note from the developer and manufacturer in Czech Republic to parents around the globe:
“We, here at PIXIE CREW, want to do everything possible for children and parents globally. We believe in fun games and education at the same time with all our PIXIE CREW products. We help to build creativity and fine motor skills and try to enhance spending the quality time together. We look forward and hope that you can spend quality time together with your kids and our products. “Milan Gaba, CEO at Pixie Crew.
I personally recommend this company and the whole concept. I always look for multiple benefits and here it is a mix of many!
It can be bought at: https://www.thelazydog.co/pixie-crew
Or at:

In addition to those selected toys and gifts, i highly recommend you to read about Kids and Money
I hope you found this article interesting, not too specific but not too vague. I hope it will help you for your next gift!
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