Leo Buscaglia
Hi there,
Here is a product line I love and got attached right away just because it encourages kindness acts!
Teaching Kindness & Empathy is in my opinion super important.
Identifying what the other near me needs and make myself available for her/him, if helping an elder, or helping a friend with his dog-walking, helping by giving a donation on a special occasion, helping a person who fell in the street or just being there for a friend who needs to talk.
In such a digital world we live in today, we have less occasions to show kindness near our kids so here is a product line that opens a real dialog no matter if your child is 4 years old or 10 years old; Obviously the dialog gets deeper as your child is older.
Here are some benefits why teaching kindness & Empathy to your kids (source: Edutopia.org):
- Happy carrying children: The good feelings that we experience when being kind are produced by endorphins. They activate areas of the brain that are associated with pleasure, social connection, and trust. These feelings of joyfulness are proven to be contagious, encouraging more kind behavior by the giver and recipient. Kindness acts help us form connections with others which are reported to be a strong factor in increasing happiness.
Greater sense of belonging and improved self-esteem: Studies show that people experience a “helper’s high” when they do a good deed. This rush of endorphins creates a lasting sense of pride, well-being, and an enriched sense of belonging. It’s reported that even small acts of kindness heighten our sense of well-being, increase energy, and give a wonderful feeling of optimism and self worth.
- Improved Heath and less stress: Altruistic actions trigger a release of the hormone oxytocin, which can significantly increase a person’s level of happiness and reduce stress levels. Oxytocin also protects the heart by lowering blood pressure and reducing free radicals and inflammation, which incidentally speed up the aging process
- Increased feelings of gratitude: When children are part of activities that help others less fortunate than themselves, it provides them with a real sense of perspective, highlighting their own good fortune. Being generous helps them appreciate what they have, makes them feel useful, and fosters empathy.
- Better Concentration and improved results: Kindness acts is a key ingredient that enhances positivity and helps children feel good about themselves as it increases serotonin levels. This important chemical affects learning, memory, mood, sleep, health, and digestion. Children with a positive outlook have greater attention spans, more willingness to learn, and better creative thinking to improve results at school.
- Reduced depression: Internationally-renowned author and speaker Dr. Wayne Dyer explains that an act of kindness increases levels of serotonin, a natural chemical responsible for improving mood. This boost in happiness occurs not only in the giver and receiver of kindness, but also in anyone who witnesses it.
So back to our product line and how games can teach kindness and empathy…
The caring cats include the actually dolls, the board game and the puzzles.
The dolls:
5 fun cats dolls, each with his own skills and character: ChattyChoo-kinds with words; Goodygum-always giving; Helpfilli (my favorite!)-time to help; Lotothot-thoughtful kind; and Makermax-makes to give
Gloom and doom have covered the hippy happy Town of Charms, with the Mean Mouse on the loose! And now the Ministry of Positivity has called upon the 5 most awesome, carin’ and sharin’ cats that ever purred and meowed.
Join them in working your charm to turn daily moments into extraordinary rainbow-coloured moments!
Race to Charm by taking turns to roll the dice and move around town. Collect charms by helping, giving goodies, making something kind, being thoughtful or cheering up someone with your words. And be a KIND winner by collecting 5 charms first.
Be creative, find your own care style and have KIND-A-FUNTASTIC adventures!
Develops skills:
- Relationship skills-Cognitive & emotional empathy
- Social Awareness-Caring & compassionate community
- Cooperative play
- Expressive Language
The puzzle:
First you just put the puzzle together as a regular puzzle but the puzzle is full of acts of kindness examples such as she is helping an older person to cross the road or helping someone whose basket fell, or giving donation to someone in the street…and those are few examples.
Then there are 5 missing parts hidden in 5 cute little envelops but to get those missing pieces, there are 5 kindness acts to accomplish. That’s where your child and your creativity come to live!
Here is a product that is:
- fun to do with kids,
- can be played independently kids only
- teaches kindness & empathy
- encourages creativity, critical thinking
It can be bought at: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/toys-games-helpfillipuzzle-with-5-kind-missions/33810948?ean=8906045560726
Giving forward is part of our life. The whole world is passing through a tough time with the Coronavirus virus (COVID-19) where we can see daily kindness acts!
The product is made by Chalk N chuckles, a company founded by two wonderful sisters, with huge hearts, honest care and lots of professionalism about educating kids. The values the company supports are health, happiness, humility in kids.
A personal note from the Caring Cats developers to parents around the world:
“We designed Caring Cats board game to make kindness easy to learn and fun. We all keep telling kids, be kind but sometimes they struggle with it. The 5 Cats with their own unique care style make it easy for children to see that there are so many ways to be kind- with their words, with their time when they help out, giving and sharing, being thoughtful & respectful and making something to give to others. Filling the town with their kind deeds before the Mean Mouse destroys the town, keeps excited to keep coming up with kindness acts. This game is a perfect way to have conversations with children about being kind and teach kindness & empathy. There is no one correct way! “says Prachi Agarwal.

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Kindness is something that must be developed at a young age. Great resources!