“Sibling relationships…outlast marriages, survive the death of parents, resurface after quarrels that would sink any friendship. They flourish in a thousand incarnations of closeness and distance, warmth, loyalty and distrust.”
Erica E. Goode
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Siblings bonding is a sensitive matter for all parents.
All parents dream of a good relationships between their kids. Sometimes this wish or dream comes from a lack of good relationship they had or have with their own siblings, sometimes it comes from the fear for the day the parents will be gone and sometimes it comes from the wish to live in harmony with less fights and screams at home.
No matter what the reason is, we, parents, can help siblings, our kids, to get along and get siblings bonding at home. Here are tips and recommendations:
1-Be aware of it and allow time among siblings. I had at a certain point decided to allow the two sisters on Saturday night a “sister evening” where they could enjoy the evening, anything they wanted as long as together and something fun!
2-Never compare them, especially when talking with one or the other. Each one is different, has great skills and challenges so we should emphasize the good side in each without taking the other one benefits as an example to follow.
3-When they fight, never take a role or a side. In an Adler class we went to, the lady who taught us lots of techniques told us “as long as there is no blood, let them fight and do NOT interfere”. If you cannot stand it, get up and leave the room. They are fighting for our attention and once we do not interfere, their need for our attention in that way goes away and even helps a lot in the fighting between them too. That works!!
4-Select at least one extra curriculum activity, as long as you can that they can enjoy together or take advantage of the summer time to send them together to a camp, surf, sport…and not only based on own interest or sex like ballet for girls or basketball for boys😊
5-while at home, find things you can do together like cooking, baking, craft…
5-purchase toys they can play together to encourage sibling bonding. First toys that encourage cooperative play always help and not only competitive. In addition, here are some recommended toys that can also help. Of course the toys you would select depend on their sex and interest, as 2 sisters age 10 and 7 will not enjoy same products as 2 brothers 2 and 4 years old! I hope to provide here my 7 selected recommendations:
1- Pick puzzles here: Cognition Puzzle Toys, Up To 88% OFF @Peggybuy
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