“Every child is born blessed with a vivid imagination.” Walt Disney
I am so glad you are back. I hope you have been enjoying the blog and my recommendations. I welcome your comments and opinions!
Today, I wish to introduce the Irish Fairy Door Company which developed a whole line of fairy doors, plenty of magic to enter our homes.
I have to admit I am not sure who enjoyed this one more, my daughter or myself😊
Yes it does require Mom or Dad to be involved but it actually brings back magic and lots of imagination and play to your home, helps you get into a magic world with your child and create a bonding and communication in a different sphere.
So how does the fairy doors work?
Fairies are looking for a human home to live in and each child is allowing a fairy to live in their home behind a fairy door.
The main belief of the company is that all children deserve a fairy door which is not only an actual door for the fairy to live behind, but a gateway to endless imaginative play.
The concept is simple!
Select your fairy door, choose a place to put it, register online (so you can get news and activities from Fairy Valley and get your fairy all ready to go!) leave out the magic key and in the morning when the key has disappeared, you know your fairy has arrived! There is an agreement your child and the fairy sign to agree on rules together. Fairies are well trained in Fairy School so when they arrive they know to look for their door, collect their key and move straight in.
Fairies cannot be seen by human eyes as they would lose a teeny tiny bit of their magic each time so older children are encouraged to get to know their fairies through writing short notes and reading the responses they receive. For younger believers, fairies also love to have a picture drawn especially for them or a treat from their favourite humans.
Every child is born with an imagination, some using theirs more than others. Having a magical friend helps the child to rediscover the power of their own imagination which is absolutely limitless!
Here are benefits having a fairy door at your place and fairy living with you:
- Self-expression – children are encouraged to make up stories and draw pictures for their fairies
- Language skills – developed through note-writing and reading with family
- Recognition – fairies love to praise and let their humans know how proud they are of their everyday hard work and achievements
- Support and emotional friend – fairies have often been very supportive of lessons when a message is being delivered e.g. “I love it when your room is nice and tidy! It’s makes it much easier for me to come in and out through my fairy door!’
- Lots of content: the company provides weekly updates and creative activities.
Why Imaginative Play for Children Is So Important? (SOURCE: mykidstime.com)
One of the reasons imagination is so important is that it helps children understand the world around them. Imaginative play allows children to express themselves verbally and physically, act, react and interact, and try out different roles and scenarios within safe boundaries of their own making.
Imaginative role play – for example, playing a ‘post office game’ whereby children use stationery, furniture and other props to recreate an imaginary post office – allows children to make up addresses, stamp, weigh and measure pretend parcels, deliver packages to far-flung countries and script imaginary conversations with various characters.
Role play like this is so beneficial to a child’s development because it helps them to process what they’ve seen and experienced in the world so far. It allows them to push the boundaries further and imagine what the consequences of doing things differently might be – all in a way that’s safe, controlled and completely dictated by the limits of their imagination.
Also, imaginative play is so important because it enables social and emotional development, helping children to contemplate a variety of confrontations and resolutions.
This boosts their confidence when real world conflict occurs, and could make them more successful navigating social situations in school, within their families, friendships and relationships, and as adults in the workplace.

Additional products once you have the Fairy Door include cool accessories such as:

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I love fairies! Great games very whimsical!