You are currently viewing 10 Amazing toys for shoulder girdle stability

10 Amazing toys for shoulder girdle stability

In order for man to succeed in life, God provided him with two means, education and physical activity. Not separately, one for the soul and the other for the body, but for the two together. With these means, man can attain perfection.

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Toys encourage your child to move his arms in a smooth and controlled way  to strengthen his shoulder girdle. The good support of the shoulder girdle will make it easier for children to manage smaller hand and finger movements. Children can also do lots of gross motor exercises to help strengthen their shoulder girdle as well as their other core muscles for this purpose.

Why shoulder girdle stability is crucial for your child development?

Good Shoulder girdle Stability enables your child to:

  • carry out the strong, coordinated, and accurate arm and hand movements over a length of time
  • carry out handwriting and fine motor skills
  • Free up your arms without propping your elbows on the desk to perform bilateral tasks.

When does shoulder  girdle stability begin to develop in kids?

This starts from an early age as your baby lays on her tummy and  pushes herself up thanks to her arms to keep her head above the floor. Shoulder girdle will continue to develop as she begins to crawl. As a child grows, he begins to rest his forearm on the floor or table. This helps them using their hand and fingers instead of their shoulder and arm to control the things.

Why girdle stability important for your child?

Good Shoulder Stability enables your child to:

  • carry out the strong, coordinated, and accurate arm and hand movements over a length of time
  • carry out handwriting and fine motor skills
  • Free up your arms without propping your elbows on the desk to perform bilateral tasks.

When does shoulder stability begin to develop in kids?

This develops from an early age as a baby lay on their tummy and takes weight through their arms. Shoulder girdle will continue to develop as they begin to crawl. As a child grows, he begins to rest his forearm on the floor or table. This helps them to start using their hand and fingers instead of their shoulder and arm to control the things.

Do you know?

  • Children who can’t tolerate “tummy time” might delay their  right shoulder stability development. 
  • Children who do not crawl at an early age, often complain that they are too tired or that their arms hurt in writing when they reach first or second grade. That’s because they use their whole arm trying to write, which uses more efforts and make it more difficult.

How can you help kids strengthen shoulder girdle?

Before stating some games and gifts that will help on this matter, there are lots of great activities that give you some easy and fun ways to help your child work on their upper body strength and stability.

Indoor activities:

  • Wheelbarrow walks
  • Animal walks
  • Wall pushes
  • Arm wrestles
  • Play with toys that provide resistance or require force like Twister (see list below)
  • Cooking

Outdoor activities

  • Play on playground equipment
  • Push and pull wheelbarrows, prams, or a trolley
  • Help in gardening stuff at home

Interesting fact…

You might have seen a child who holds his pencil with a bent wrist and curled up fingers. He has probably got his elbow super flexed and his shoulder forward.  It might be shoulder girdle stability thing!!

10 Best toys to strengthen the shoulder girdle

In child development, exercise and movement play a key role. Gross Motor toys refer to toys that enable children to use and reinforce the shoulder girdle with large muscle groups. Take a look at some ideas about toys that enable kids to indulge in gross motor play:

This Baby crawl tunnel helps develop arm and leg muscles and gross motor skills. It is excellent for sensory processing disorders, ADHD, and other developmental issues. For Ages 1 to 4.

Gymnasium blocks are user friendly for parents and grown-ups. Toddler climbing blocks allow little ones to develop important gross motor skills such as lifting, stacking, and carrying as they move and play at home, at daycare, or in the classroom.  For Age 9 months to 3 years old. 

With spin tactic spinning action, this super fun activity toy for toddlers gets them whirling and twirling and helps them practice balance, coordination, and motor skills. For Age 18 months and up. 

This is an excellent description of a challenging and pleasant fitness exercise. The platform can help them to climb. Keeping a balance on the swinging rope is a good way to cultivate kids’ core power and muscular strength. For Age 4 to 10 depending on weight . 

Fun seesaws where kids can comfortably sit, bounce up and down, and spin around and around. Kids will develop balance and coordination while having a blast. Parents can join the fun by guiding the motions up, down, and around using the assist handle. For Age 3 to  8. 

This dartboard will help your children stay away from electronic devices especially phones and computers. It improves your kids’ hand-eye coordination, quick reacting, as well as shoulder girdle. For Age 4 to  10. 

Amazing educational toy gift for birthday or Christmas helps toddlers to develop hand-eye coordination, various motor skills, number recognition, and counting skills. For Age 3 to  6. 

It is an ideal toy for children to vent out anger, stress, or frustration. Perfect for sports training, home exercise, any child will love this punching bag. For Age 5 & up. 

The Carnival toss game set is great for children. It can train and promote children’s hand-eye coordination and team spirit as well as basic math skills while playing these fun games. For Age 5 & up. 

This outdoor climber allows up to 6 children to play synchronously. It helps them climb and gives children muscular strength. For Age 3 to 8.

I hope you found this article interesting, and that it will help you for your next purchase!
In addition to those selected toys and gifts, i highly recommend you to read about “My 5 Best Family Games that Develop Attention to Detail & Visual Memory”
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This Post Has One Comment

  1. Yuliia Zhukovska

    Thanks for the new ideas for my baby’s shoulder stability! Previously, we only had Dart Board, now I know what else you can give him!

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